
So last night around 12:30,my sister and I stayed up reading, we had just turned over to go to sleep and we layed there for a few minutes talking about our books.  I closed my eyes and layed down to sleep, when we heard what we thought was the dog (Jane)  coming to bed.  So my sister grabbed a flashlight to look cause we didn't hear it again, well, she dropped the flashlight.  So she was fumbling  to find it when all of sudden our little brother grabbed her arm.
She screamed and jumped in my arms, while I hid under the blanket 😂😂😂.
Something you guys (whoever you are out there)  have to understand is that my sister and I laugh at everything and anything and can't stop for a little while, so once we realized that it was our brother we laughed and couldn't breath for 5 minutes 😂😂
My heart stopped beating for minute till I realized that it was my brother the whole time!  I was terrified when she screamed!


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