
Showing posts from April, 2017


Like some girls, I have long hair, I like it long, in a few months I do plan on cutting it to even it out but then I'm growing it out! I have thick, wavy brown hair. I use shampoo and I don't use conditioner like some people.... Yet my hair is still long, soft and forever in the way like every other girls hair (those with long hair at least). I like it, and I believe that women should have long hair, plus it's very pretty anyway. I see women with short hair and they look like boys, if a girl wants to cut her hair, I'm not against it, just don't cut it like a boy. Well, all for now.


I read a lot, by a lot I mean you rarely see me without a book, usually, sometimes I take days off and stop reading for awhile, kind of like a little rest lol. I don't know anyone who reads more than me besides my sister, who reads tons more than me lol, and I think the world should have more readers!  It's good for learning, your brain, occupies time, and comes in handy when your looking for something to do that's light and easy and you enjoy. I myself enjoy reading a lot. I like all different varieties, mystery, romance, non-fiction, sci-fi and many more. I read books set in different states, different centuries, different types of people, high society people to slaves, so many different varieties lol. I hope more people will learn to read and write more. I'm actually trying to write a book for my sister, (gotta work on that by the way 😛)  and I enjoy reading and writing and learning about all kinds of stuff!! "Oh, for a nook and a storybook. With tales

Blue moon promise

I have been picking my brain and I can't find anything else to write about, so I'm writing about a book I recently read, Blue moon promise. If anyone out there is reading this, this is a great book! About a woman named Lucy, who (if you read it you'll know why)  had to get married (without even laying an eye on him!)  and move with her two young siblings. Over the course of the book she learns to love her husband and respect him. It's a great book by Tracie Peterson and my sister and I loved it! Sorry for such a short boring post but for now I'm out of ideas to write things lol.


So last night around 12:30,my sister and I stayed up reading, we had just turned over to go to sleep and we layed there for a few minutes talking about our books.  I closed my eyes and layed down to sleep, when we heard what we thought was the dog (Jane)  coming to bed.  So my sister grabbed a flashlight to look cause we didn't hear it again, well, she dropped the flashlight.  So she was fumbling  to find it when all of sudden our little brother grabbed her arm. She screamed and jumped in my arms, while I hid under the blanket 😂😂😂. Something you guys (whoever you are out there)  have to understand is that my sister and I laugh at everything and anything and can't stop for a little while, so once we realized that it was our brother we laughed and couldn't breath for 5 minutes 😂😂 My heart stopped beating for minute till I realized that it was my brother the whole time!  I was terrified when she screamed!

Losing someone you love

Now, many people have lost someone they love, I lost my grandpa right before Christmas.  I was devastated, but there wasn't anything I could do. My brain told me it was coming when he was sent to stay in the hospital, yet my heart had hope.  I really wanted to be able to see him again, it will happen one day in Heaven, but not earth. A few weeks before he was hospitalized (hope its spelled right)  I was talking to him on the phone, he was telling me how I used sit on his lap, he'd scratch my back, and I'd beg him to take me to Buddy Freddie's, I love that place, and still would had it not closed down. I have one last memory of going there on my sixth birthday before we moved.  From Florida to Texas, quite a distance by car. See, everytime we would talk, he would ask me the same threw questions, he was joking around but they were real, I won't give out this questions because I don't want to, but I wish I could've said yes one of those times he asked but I

Italian food

Seriously sometimes I think I'm Italian! I love, love, love lasagne ravioli and noodles!  I eat them often!  Covered in sauce or cheese or both! I love mushroom stuffed ravioli, four cheese stuffed ravioli, either covered on cheese, sauce or sometimes both! The past two nights for dinner I have had mushroom stuffed, and spinach stuffed (fresh)  ravioli!  It's absolutely delicious! I would actually love to travel to Italy and learn how to make different Italian foods, and (maybe😊)  learn some Italian! I think it would be great!  Awesome!!  Fantastic! Here's a little tip, I've had frozen pasta and it may be a little more expensive but fresh is SO much better!!  It doesn't come apart in the water and spill all the stuffing out, it takes less time to make (sometimes)  and it tastes so much better!!    Ciao!!  😁


I hate storms!  I'm just gonna be out with it, I hate em!  I like listening to the sound of rain on our tin roof, but frankly, storms scare me when they get bad! I love wind, rain and harmless (short)  thunderstorms, but not big storms that cause a lot of damage. Like last night, it was thundering really loud and all of a sudden my bed jumped! My sister looked under it and found our dog Jesse terrified under it!  We invited him up in the bed so that he wouldn't have to be scared alone and under the bed, he loved it!  ❤

Fun at the football field

Well, tonight my parents, sister, two brothers and I all went to the football field to have some fun! It was hot, but my parents walked track, and my siblings and I (plus some other kids who were there)  played tag, and the rested for a bit cause it was so hot! But we had fun and that's what mattered most!  😊 We did it before with my other brother and "brother"!  That was a lot of fun too!!  ❤😊

First post

First post on here, so probably gonna turn out to be not so good lol. I got this idea from a friend who also has a blog, so I thought why not?  😊 Well, I have a bunch of cats to write stories about, I make up a bunch of stories that would also work, and from time to time I can write about fun things that I did! First off I guess I'll write about my cat Walker. Well, she ran away about a month or two ago and the other day as I was walking out of the house, I thought I saw her, but I brushed it off as her twin brother Gibbs, well, I walked out I to the yard and my little brother comes up to me with Walker in his arms!  Pregnant but still back where she belongs! Expect cat stories because I have a lot!