Review for Keep Christianity Weird by Michael Frost

I received this book for free in place of my honest review on it from Tyndale.

So, here goes!

Okay, I learned a lot from this book. I did. I just can't explain it exactly.
Like, I should know words to use to explain it, but I don't.
It was a great fast read, I enjoyed it a lot, and I learned that I was one of those people who keep Christianity weird. Yep. I'm weird.
But that's a compliment, I love being called weird! Lol
So I wanted to put these questions up, and I was wondering if any of you could answer one or two of em. You don't obviously have too, but I tried to answer them myself after I read them, and I was wondering if anyone could come up with a better answer than me :)

Question #1
Who are some historical (or contemporary) people you particularly admire? Why? What, if anything, is eccentric about those people?

Question #2
Where do you fall on a spectrum of conventional to crazy?
How do you feel you fit in to this vision of the Christian faith? Why?

Question #3
What was the zaniest thing you've ever seen a church do? What did you think of it then? What do you think of it now?

Question #4
What's one thing you can start doing to embrace the discipline of being different? What can you and your friends start doing to help keep Christianity Weird?

All till next time! :)


  1. It is weird to say you trust and believe in something you can't see! But that's what makes us who we are...Christians.
    Zaniest thing I ever saw....a large group of people all calling out to God for a miraculous healing. Even zanier...the person was healed!!
    I want to read this book to see what zany weird Christian stories there are!

  2. For me I know its not historical but I always admired Steve Jobs for his innovative ideas and outlook on life.
    Zaniest thing was probably seeing a mass with 17 Bishops and they were blessing the state of Pennsylvania so that was cool.
    To keep Christianity weird I should just keep doing what I am doing because I think I am making it weird already :)

    1. You are most definitely already making it weird XD
      And that's cool!


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